We reached 11.000 Group Members and over 57.000 Follower!

You guys rock! Today we reached a new milestone: 11.000 group members and over 57.000 Follower. We are on the 11th place of the most followed “Top Curators” on Steam (currently has 21.820 curators) and we are on the first place on page 2 ! I never thought that we get so much supporters. All starts on 1 September 2014 when I founded the group “Free Games, Coupons etc.“. One month later i created SteamGames.blue on 27 October 2014 and swapped the site from enjin CMS to WordPress on 26 December 2014 with the new Domain GrabFreeGames.net – Feel free to connect with your Steam Login and you can comment our news.

At first i was happy about hundreds of visitors, but now there are thousands of unique visitors daily. The server crashed every time after i wrote a new posting about a free game and shared this on social medias and on steam. The visitors was so much within the first minutes that my shared hosting provider tolds me to stop sharing the news on steam. We switched to a other server with more power. Since then we have luck and i don’t need to change my hosting package. But for the next time i plan to go with the whole site and the database to a nice friend on his Managed Server (greetings to Viktor). So we can make the speed of page even quicker and are prepared for future Steam Key Giveaways. 😀

The homepage url is blocked until 60 days are gone. So i can move the domain to the other hoster after this time period (from 7.2.2015). After that date we are going on maintenance mode and try to change the DNS Names, switch the content, database etc. We are offline a few days and come up with new speed. * Assuming no disasters.

And now i can only say: Thank You Very Much – for all visitors, members and follower! 😉 We are going on to announce you as fast as we can about new free games (mainly for Steam, but sometimes to other systems such as Origin, GOG, Desura)


I made a few changings on the site today. So i changed the colors a bit, added posting dates and numbers of comments, disabled the text informations on the start page and much more. Now it’s a little bit more blue. Valve updated Steam’s activity feed to more blue too – a few days ago. In this sense, Praise lord GabeN 😀

If you want help us to grow more, you can share our postings on social networks, become a member of our steam group, follow us on our curator page. But you can also give us a “Like” on our Facebook Page, follow us on Twitter or Google+ … All these are steps where you can be better informed about new free stuff. If we get more follower, we can do much more Key Giveaways and promotions. 😉


  1. You want a giveaway ? Okay we can do it… but first share the words (a other news about a free game on our site: for example the SNOW Beta Key Giveaway) and i will do a group giveaway later (after the new steamgifts page is released today)

      1. That’s right. The password is not your Password. I will announce the password in the steam group when the giveaway is open in a few minutes. There is nothing bugged 😉

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