Second Life :: SLife is Strange – Episode 1 (Pay to win ?) 1080p60 HD

Der Titel ist natürlich abgeleitet von dem Kultspiel “Life is Strange”, das ich übrigens super finde. In dieser Art Dokumentation über Second Life versuche ich euch folgendes näher zu bringen: Account erstellen, Avatar auswählen, Firestorm Viewer, AO (Animations Overwriter), Marketplace und ein paar meiner Outfits.

Je nachdem wie gut die ersten Episoden ankommen, werde ich spätestens nach der 5. Episode entscheiden (Life is Strange hat übrigens auch nur 5 Episoden :D), ob es ein zweiten Teil der Reihe geben wird oder nicht.

In der nächsten Ausgabe (#2) werden unter anderem folgende Themen vorkommen: Second Life 2.0, Pay to win? Antwort, weitere Kleidung und Aussehen (Skins), Shops und Clubs ► Direct Subscribe:

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Steam Greenlight :: ComixPlay #1: The Endless Incident

ComixPlay is a 124 page digital Graphic novel, written by industry veterans, where the player controls the heroes in turn-based combat. Each time the Solar Defenders engage in a fight, you can dive in and play the battle (or continue reading and play later on). Each Solar Defender has its own superpowers and abilities, along with special interactions that are only possible between specific members of the group.

The greenlight page URL –

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From Blogger to Let’s Player – Torque goes YouTube (1080p60 HD) – german!

Many people asked me.. are all bloggers gone on ? I would say “maybe”. Because at the moment i am alone and without help. Currently my main hobbys are streaming/broadcasting on YouNow and Twitch. But now i am going to do some professional german Let’s Play videos from old Amiga games or cool Steam games. Read more to view my last “12 hours upload video” in 1080p60 HD quality. I hope you guys like it…

YouTube: Jörg Klopsch °^° Twitch: Torque1979 °^° YouNow: Jörg “Torque” Klopsch

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Free Steam Key: Pixel Puzzles – Japan

Pixel Puzzles: Japan combines traditional jigsaw puzzle style gameplay with light video-game interactivity. As you build puzzles your monk will gain higher consciousness states. The higher the level of your monks concentration the bigger the puzzle you can attempt. All hand drawn in a beautiful Japanese aesthetic, Pixel Puzzles: Japan is perfect for puzzlers and gamers alike.

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Free Steam Keys : Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

t is a misty evening in the year of our lord 1912. The Pattersons, a poor but proud aristocratic family of the British nobility, and some of their closest friends, arrive at the castle Malachi residence of a wealthy Romanian Count. It is only three days until the family’s eldest daughter, Rebecca, is to be wed to the count’s son, uniting the family with the rich heritage of the Malachi, hopefully restoring its glory.

The only person missing is you, the brother of the bride, who is on your way from Stockholm, where you have defended the Union Jack in the noble art of fencing in the Olympics. You are to arrive later during the evening.

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Free Steam Keys : Shot in the Dark

In a dystopian future, multiple factions have sent their agents to collect sensitive government information. You take control of one of these agents in an attempt to survive this super stealthy skirmish. With Inviso-Tech, powered by draining all electrical systems in the surrounding area, light is a commodity and life is a fleeting resource. Only one can emerge triumphant. Equipped with top of the line government issued technology. You must utilize sound, what minimal sight you have and an incredibly powerful cold-fusion pulse rifle to eradicate the enemy and ensure your own survival. Every shot counts for the beam produced by your weapon can be your own downfall. Calling this a game of survival is an understatement, this is risk, this is chance, this is… Shot In The Dark.

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