The game tells the story of Walden, an old hunter who lives alone in the woods. Recently, Walden began to be haunted by a mysterious creature that destroyed the village located near his cabin, killing every person residing on the premises. Now, Walden wants revenge.
FREE PC GAME: Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf !!! This game usually costs 0,49 euros on Steam, but you can get it for FREE !!! Unfortunately, this game doesn’t have trading cards 🙁 But don’t forget to grab the free downloadable content (DLC) > Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf – Soundtrack after redeeming your key from below.
Steps on how to get it:
- Visit this Giveaway page
- Follow the instructions on their site
- Check your Screen and Mail for the Game
- Go to Steam and activate the Key
- Install and Enjoy!
Here is the second free DLC for today: Install the game The Secret of Tremendous Corporation and add the DLC The Sources of Tremendous Corporation. Your Game will be added in your library. You also will get +1 Game Count too.
A remark:
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