New Group Giveaway – 20 random Steam Keys

Hello and welcome to our second Steam Key Giveaway on this website. We are celebrating our new group (which was already closed by Steam again). 🙁 Here you can join the giveaway and increase your chances with daily options. In this sense, Praise Lord GabeN 😀

New Group Giveaway – 20 random Steam Keys

Have fun with our second giveaway here and come back daily again. And now just chilling with this nice song from the Bee Gees – “You Win Again”.


  1. @Torque Sir you do a great deed hooking us up or rather creating a platform which connects games and displays this array of games but …. and this be a big but, I’m talking Minaj status. Why do thee delete these groups ! even the new one with 1000k followers :(.

  2. Thank you very much @all participants! I have sent out the Keys to the winners. Hope to see here comments, that they got their prices. Cu at our next giveaway or upcoming free games news…

        1. No. Steam message: “The product code you’ve entered has already been activated by an existing Steam account, and is therefore invalid. Your activation of Duke Nukem Manhatten Project has not been completed.”

          1. I’m so sorry to read this. I got it from my other admins as donation. You got two other game keys from me now… Others i don’t have. Sorry!

  3. Hello everyone,

    So I’m a winner of the free key giveaway and I won Blackbay Asylum, but on activation it turns out to be a double activation. So yeah bummer. Btw the group on steam seems to be closed, I cannot access the page.

    Cheers Blue

    1. I’m so sorry to read this. I never make such a giveaway with donated keys again because the most of them are used allready.
      You got two others via email, but they are no paid games. Other keys i don’t have at the moment. Sorry, about it! 🙁 When i make such a giveaway again, i only use keys i buy self and try don’t using donated (and so maybe used) ones 🙁

      1. Thanks Torque for your swift reply, I have got both keys and activated them.
        Thank you so much for these keys. Not really my cup of tea, but will play them eventually.
        Will participate in future key giveaways.
        Thank you for doing this.

        Cheers Blue

  4. Awesome! i got a key for a game. the downside is it takes 1 day to download with my internet so ill wait until i go to my relative’s place where they have a lot faster internet. Cant wait to play it. Thanks Torque!

  5. “Total War Attila” I very badly want that game. “So much that I dreaming about all night. but do not have the money to afford it. If you’re or someone from your team able to help me to get it I would be very grateful. I hope to u can get’it that key for me. Good luck and greetings. Thank you in advance .

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