Free Steam (Beta) Key for Total War Battles: Kingdom

Total War Battles™: KINGDOM is a new cross-platform online strategy game for PC, Mac and tablets from the makers of Total War. Combining intense battles with army management, kingdom building and devious social plotting, we’re aiming to make the ultimate in portable, bite-sized Total War experiences. Join The Beta

Here you can sign up for Beta:

  1. Visit the official website of Total War Battles™: KINGDOM
  2. Click on the red button “Join the Beta
  3. Fill out your user datas
  4. Click: Apply!
  5. Wait for Key 😉

Info: We registered us with 4 different e-mail addresses a few days before and got four response mail with a steam key today! (e-mail subject: Total War Battles™: KINGDOM Closed Beta). It could take also a few days until you got a key for the Closed Beta!

Construct, Conspire, Conquer  Set during the chaotic turn of the 10th century; the world starts to emerge from the Dark Ages divided and at war. Stepping from the ruins, you start as a young noble and must restore your lands, recruit your army and contest the throne.

About this game:

  • Build your Realm – Progressively create your very own world. Explore, conquer then shape your lands to transform the wilderness into a powerful and productive Realm. Raise new cities, cut down forests, draw roads, build bridges and change the course of rivers.
  • Large scale battles – Create and train your very own army then lead large scale battles where the cunning of your moves and the accuracy of your orders will do more than the sheer number of your men.
  • The Cross Platform Total War™ – Play on multiple devices, whenever you want, wherever you want. No matter which platform you choose, actions in Total War Battles™: KINGDOM will carry over onto any other device you play on.


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