Free PC Game: RACER 8 !!!

Racer 8 is the ultimate Rally inspired puzzle game that will have players revving their engines or leave them running on fumes!

Free PC Game:RACER 8 !!! Regular price on Steam is 5 euros and yes, this game has Trading cards šŸ™‚

How to get the game:

  1. Click here
  2. Scroll all the way down and enter your email
  3. Submit
  4. Go to your email
  5. Click the link and receive your Steam key
  6. ENJOY!!!

*** Have you seen our new Giveaway ? Here you can join it with your Steam Account


  1. i think this game is Region locked

    upon redeeming key in steam, it says:
    Sorry, this item is not available in this country

    i live in Iran.
    never had this problem before…

    any help?

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