Free Game: Akalabeth – World of Doom

About: ‘Tis said that long ago peace and tranquility covered the lands. Food and drink flowed freely, man and beast lived in peace, gold and silver abounded – it was the Golden Age of Akalabeth.

It’s coded and designed from Richard Garriot, also known as Lord British. He created the Ultima series and one of the first MMORPG’s called “Ultima Online”. His newest Game hit is “Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues” and it got greenlight on Steam within a few days only. Rekord! Richard Garriot himself is a friend of me in Steam and also a honored member in our Steam Group “Free Games, Coupons etc.

Here you can claim your FREE Game: Akalabeth – World of Doom

Don’t forget to take this 12 free of charge Games on! too (if you don’t own them already) 😉

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